Dr. Simon Lübke

Empirical Methods of Communication Science
Simon Lübke, Dr
Research associate
Simon Luebke
Image: Privat
  • Curriculum vitae
    • 10/2022: Dr. phil. in Communication. Title of the dissertation: "Authenticity in Political Communication: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Examination of a Popular Concept"
    • since 04/2017: Research associate at the chair Empirical Methods of Communication Science at the Institute of Communication Research, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    • 2014-2017: Master's courses in Media and Political Communication (M.A.) at Free University Berlin and in Media and Political Communication (M.A.) at the University of Zurich
    • 2012-2017: Research assistant and tutor at the chair of Media Politics and Media Economy at the Institute of  Media and Communication Studies at the Free University Berlin and in third-party (DFG) funded research projects "The convergence of television and internet from provider and user perspective" and "Media generations and demographic change"
    • 2011-2014: Bachelor's courses of Media and Communication Studies and Political Science (B.A.) at Free University Berlin
  • Work and research focuses
    • Political communication
    • Media effects
    • Research methods in empirical social sciences
  • Awards
    • mindline media-Award (3. Preis) für den Beitrag "Wahrgenommene politische Authentizität: Skalenentwicklung und -validierung" (2021). 
    • Förderpreis des Vereins Freunde der Publizistik für die beste Masterarbeit am Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin (2018).
    • Auszeichnung Goldmedia-Preis für MedienwirtschaftExternal link für den Beitrag "Erfolgsfaktoren von YouTube-Kanälen" (2017).
    • Auszeichnung für den besten Beitrag eines Nachwuchswissenschaftlers auf der Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Medienökonomie der DGPuK in St. Pölten (2017).
  • Memberships
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK)
    • International Communication Association (ICA)

Publications & lectures

  • Publications
    • Luebke, S. M. & Engelmann, I. (2022). Perceiving Politicians as True to Themselves: Development and Validation of the Perceived Political Authenticity Scale. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/8up4z External link[Preprint]
    • Engelmann, I. & Lübke, S. (2022). Framing und Journalismus. In M. Löffelholz & L. Rothenberger (Hrsg.), Handbuch Journalismustheorien [2. Überarbeitete Auflage]. Wiesbaden. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-32153-6_34-1External link
    • Luebke, S. M. & Engelmann, I. (2022). Do We Know Politicians’ True Selves from the Media? Exploring the Relationship Between Political Media Exposure and Perceived Political Authenticity. Social Media & Society, 8(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051221077030External link
    • Engelmann, I., Luebke, S. M., & Kessler, S. H. (2021). Effects of News Factors on Users' News Attention and Selective Exposure on a News Aggregator Website. In Journalism Studies, 22(6), 780-798. https://doi.org/10.1080/1461670X.2021.1889395External link
    • Luebke, S. M. (2021). Political Authenticity: Conceptualization of a Popular Term. In The International Journal of Press/Politics, 26(3), 635-653. https://doi.org/10.1177/1940161220948013External link
    • Lübke, S. & Dogruel, L. (2018). Erfolgsfaktoren von YouTube-Kanälen - Die Perspektive der Multi-Channel-Netzwerke. In MedienWirtschaft, 15(1), S. 12-19.
    • Goldhammer, K., Birkel, M., & Lübke, S. (2016). Hörfunk. In J. Krone, & T. Pellegrini (Hrsg.), Handbuch Medienökonomie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    • Lübke, S., Gräßer, D., & Dogruel, L. (2015). Medienwahl als medienökonomisches Problem. Eine Analyse zum Einfluss visueller Stimuli auf die Auswahlentscheidung auf Video-on-Demand-Plattformen. In S. Pagel (Hrsg.), Schnittstellen (in) der Medienökonomie. Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 323-338.
  • Talks

    Refereed conference papers

    • Luebke, S. M. & Engelmann, I. (2023). Performed Political Authenticity in Germany. Paper accepted at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 25-29 May in Toronto, Canada.
    • Lübke, S. & Steffan, D. (2023). Geschlecht, Modalität und Authentizität in sozialen
      Medien: Ein Experiment zum Einfluss der Selbstdarstellung von Politiker:innen auf ihre
      wahrgenommene Authentizität. Paper accepted at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), 18-20 May in Bremen.
    • Schmiege, J., Engelmann, I., & Lübke, S. (2023). Populistisch und
      verschwörungsideologisch? Die Konstruktion der Covid-19-Pandemie in alternativen
      Online-Medien. Paper accepted at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), 18-20 May in Bremen.
    • Luebke, S. M. & Azevedo, F. (2023). What Makes Us Perceive Politicians As (More)
      Authentic? Exploring Predictors of Perceived Political Authenticity in the United States
      and Brazil. Paper accepted at the Preconference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), 22 February. 
    • Engelmann, I., Lübke, S., & Marzinkowski, H. (2022). Mediendiskurse und politische Legitimität. Ein Modell zu Effekten von Diskursarenen und Diskursmerkmalen auf die wahrgenommene politische Unterstützung und Legitimität. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Communication and Politics Division and the Journalism Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), 28-30 September in Trier. 
    • Lübke, S. & Engelmann, I. (2022). Media Exposure and Perceived Political Authencity. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 26-30 May in Paris.
    • Engelmann, I., Lübke, S., & Marzinkowski, H. (2022). Political Media Discourses and their Effects on Users' Political Support. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 26-30 May in Paris.
    • Lübke S. & Engelmann, I. (2021). Toward a New Measure of Perceived Political Authenticity. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 27-31 May.
    • Lübke, S. (2021). Are Politicians True to Themselves? Dimensions and Operationalization of Perceived Political Authenticity. Paper presented at the Three-Country Conference on Communication Science (DACH21), 7-9 April. 
    • Lübke, S. & Engelmann, I. (2021). Wann halten wir PolitikerInnen für authentisch? Entwicklung und Validierung einer neuen Skala für wahrgenommene politische Authentizität. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Communication and Politics Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), 12 February. 
    • Lübke, S. (2021). Wahrgenommene politische Authentizität: Skalenentwicklung und -validierung. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Media Reception and Effects Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), 27-29 January. 
    • Lübke, S. (2020). Authentizität in der politischen Kommunikation. Paper presented at the NapoKo colloquium, 26-27 November. 
    • Lübke, S. (2020). Politische Authentizität: Konzeptualisierung eines populären Begriffs. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), 10-12 March, Munich, Germany. 
    • Engelmann, I., Kessler, S. & Lübke, S. (2019). The Role of News Cues for News Attention and News Clicking on a News Aggregator Website. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 24-28 May, Washington DC, USA.
    • Wagener, S., Lübke, S., & Engelmann, I. (2019). Mediale Konstruktionen des Ukraine-Konflikts. Eine Analyse des journalistischen Framings in der Deutschen Welle und in Sputnik Deutschland. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK),  09-11 May, Münster, Germany.
    • Engelmann, I., Kessler, S. & Lübke, S. (2018). Kriterien der Nachrichtenauswahl auf einer News Aggregator Website. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), 09-11 May, Mannheim, Germany.
    • Lübke, S. & Dogruel, L. (2017). Vom einmaligen Klick-Hit zum langfristigen Erfolg - Erfolgsfaktoren von YouTube-Kanälen aus Anbieterperspektive. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the Media Economics Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), 26-28 October, St. Pölten, Austria.
    • Lübke, S., Gräßer, D., & Dogruel, L. (2014). Medienwahlentscheidungen als medienökonomisches Problem. Eine Analyse zum Einfluss visueller Stimuli auf die Zahlungsbereitschaft auf Online-Filmplattformen. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Media Economics Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), 13-15 November, Mainz, Germany.

    Invited talks

    • Lübke, S. (2018). Frames in der politischen Kommunikation. Perspektiven, Methoden, Befunde. Vortrag auf der Netzwerktagung Deutsch des Niedersächsischen Landesinstituts für schulische Qualitätsentwicklung (NLQ), 30. November in Bad Salzdetfurth.
    • Lübke, S. (2018). Frames in der politischen Kommunikation. Beispiele aus aktuellen politischen Diskursen. Vortrag auf der Netzwerktagung Deutsch des Niedersächsischen Landesinstituts für schulische Qualitätsentwicklung (NLQ), 30. November in Bad Salzdetfurth.
  • Teaching
    • Winter semester 2022/2023: Descriptive Statistical Analyses with R 
    • Winter semester 2022/2023: Inferential Statistical Analyses with R 
    • Summer semester 2022: Descriptive Statistical Analyses with R 
    • Summer semester 2022: Public Communication 
    • Winter semester 2021/2022: Seminar on Journalism and News Production: Political Journalism
    • Winter semester 2021/2022: Descriptive Statistical Analyses with R 
    • Summer semester 2021: Research practice in public communication: Authenticity and trust in political communication
    • Winter semester 2020/2021: Methods and Statistics of Communication Science II: Applied Statistics(I)
    • Winter semester 2020/2021: Methods and Statistics of Communication Science II: Applied Statistics (II)
    • Summer semester 2020: Methods and Statistics of Communication Science II: Applied Statistics
    • Winter semester 2019/2020: Methods and Statistics of Communication Science II: The people's voice?! Populism in political communication (Introduction to Content Analysis)
    • Winter semester 2019/2020: Methods and Statistics of Communication Science II: Applied Statistics
    • Summer semester 2019: Methods and Statistics of Communication Science II: Applied Statistics
    • Winter semester 2018/2019: Methods and Statistics of Communication Science II: Authenticity in politicians' self-presentation and in the media coverage about politicians  (Introduction to Content Analysis)
    • Winter semester 2018/2019: Methods and Statistics of Communication Science II: Applied Statistics
    • Winter semester 2017/2018: Methods and Statistics of Communication Science II: Authenticity in politicians' self-presentation and in the media coverage about politicians  (Introduction to Content Analysis)
    • Winter semester 2017/2018: Methods and Statistics of Communication Science II: Applied Statistics