IfKW gratuates celebrating their degrees


IfKW gratuates celebrating their degrees
Image: Kirsten Richter

Alumni Communication Science Jena

Association of Friends, Sponsors and Former Students of Communication Science and Media Studies at Friedrich Schiller University Jena e.V.

Our goal is to promote and maintain contact between current and former members of the Institute of Communication Science at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. We see ourselves as a network between former students, graduates and employees of the IfKW.

This is reflected in our activities, e.g:

  • Promotion of the annual farewell ceremony for graduates de. There, former students pass on their experiences to the new graduates as they embark on their careers. During the ceremony, the Alumni Association awards prizes to the best theses of the year.
  • Lectures de by former students and guest lectures with practitioners on areas of application in our field.