"Getting To Know You - emerging neural representations during face familiarization"
Journal of Neuroscience by Géza Gergely Ambrus, Charlotta Marina Eick, Daniel Kaiser and Gyula Kovács
The latest publication of the BPCN, investigating how a previously unknown face becomes familiar and how different interaction contexts influence this process, has received the attention of different academic and popular media outlets. Here you find you continously updated list of all articles featuring this study:
Society for Neuroscience:
- EurekAlert: The brain learns faces fastest in person: The brain signal linked to face familiarity is strongest after getting to know someone in-personExterner Link
- Medical Express: The brain learns faces fastest in personExterner Link
Further featured in:
CNN Cable News NetworkExterner Link
Florida News TimesExterner Link
California News TimesExterner Link
The Academic Times Externer Link
News Section of the Friedrich-Schiller-University JenaExterner Link