Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Sommer Semester 2024
Courses B.Sc. Sommer Semester
212935 Projektseminar I - BPCN- Higher sensory functions Externer Link
Winter Semester 2022/2023
Courses B.Sc. Winter Semester
Here you will find additional Material for the Bachelor of Science Lectures:
Link to the Script of the Biological Psychology LectureExterner Link
Link to the example questions and topics for the Biological Psychology Exam I (winter semester)Externer Link
Link to the additional example questions and topics for the Biological Psychology Exam I NebenfachExterner Link
Link to the example questions and topics for the Biological Psychology Exam II (summer semester)Externer Link
Link to the Topics for the oral exampdf, 42 kb Biological Psychology I (winter semester)
Link to the Topics for the oral exampdf, 76 kb Biological Psychology II (summer semester)
Sommer Semester 2024
Courses B.Sc. Sommer Semester
145432 EMPRA - Cognitive Neuroscience IExterner Link
in diesem Empra stehen methodisch die Neurowissenschaft und thematisch die Prozesse der Gesichtsverarbeitung im Mittelpunkt. Ziel ist die selbstständige Durchführung eines EEG-Experiments zum Thema „Bekanntheit von Gesichtern”. Im Winter- und Sommersemester stehen unterschiedliche Aspekte des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens im Fokus: im Wintersemester sollen theoretische und methodische Grundlagen zum Experiment erarbeitet, wissenschaftliches Arbeiten erlernt und eine Pilotstudie durchgeführt werden. Auf den im Wintersemester erarbeiteten Grundlagen wird im Sommersemester aufgebaut, indem selbstständig, mit Unterstützung der Kursleitung, ein Experiment vorbereitet, durchgeführt und ausgewertet wird. Interesse am wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsprozess sowie an neurowissenschaftlichen Methoden sind von Vorteil, aber keine Angst, alles ist lernbar (:
Bei Fragen kann die Kursleitung jederzeit kontaktiert werden: gyula.kovacs@uni-jena.deAm Ende des Semesters werden alle Informationen der durchgeführten Studie in einer Posterpräsentation zusammengetragen und auf dem Empra-Kongress präsentiert.
Die Prüfungsleistung im Empra ist die Erstellung des Posters + Präsentation auf dem Kongress, welche benotet wird.
Im Semester sollten alle Teilnehmer:innen regelmäßig anwesend sein und inhaltlich auch etwas im Empra beitragen können. Die einzelnen Semestereinheiten setzen sich aus Vorträgen der Lehrperson, Vorträgen der Teilnehmer:innen, Gruppenarbeiten, interaktiven Gesprächen und Freiarbeitseinheiten zusammen.
172524 Empra - Cognitive Neurosciences II Externer Link
Parasoziale order online Beziehung? Auswirkung auf die wahrgenommene Persönlichkeit
Do feel you know Taylor Swift or Jaime Lannister? Parasocial interactions are perceived interpersonal relationships on the part of an individual with a mass media persona (e.g., famous actors, athletes, and others; via TV or social media resources) as a friend or even as a sexual partner while social relationships are based on reciprocity between the user and another person. Parasocial relationships are generally defined as imagined, one-sided connections with celebrities or media figures. The main principle of a parasocial relationship is that it is created through the belief that if you know a lot about someone else, those persons are also prone to know you. In this course, we explore ways in which observers develop parasocial relationships, or one-sided, non-reciprocal relationships with media personae, through media sources, and how the observed personality, social trait and affect judgements compare to those of a bidirectional, online social relationship.
Winter Semester 2022/2023
Courses B.Sc. Winter Semester
Sommer Semester 2024
Winter Semester 2024/2025
1. Your own face -your own dog: EEG multivariate patter decoding experiment
2. Behavioural pattern separation for familiar and unfamiliar faces: fMRI
3. Getting to know you: zoom vs real life interactions: behaviour and/or EEG
4. The role of your own faces in face-to-face dyads: behaviour and EEG
5. Consciousness, motion induced blindness illusion and EEG oscillations
6. Your place or mine? own scene recognition in the fMRI
7. Semantic context and face recognition: EEG study
8. Iconic representations: EEG study
9. Lets talk about faces: verbal descriptions of familiar faces: behaviour and / or EEGWinter Semester 2023/2024
Linda Ficco
• Validating the Bielefelder Famous Face Test: a measure of famous face recognition in
different generations• -Behaviour
Dobel et al (2008)Lars Rogenmoser
• Amusia and spatial processing
• Neural origins of absolute pitch
• Underpinnings of sad music appreciation
• Mirror neurons and predictive coding
• -Behaviour/MEGAndrás Sárközy
• MIB Category
• Behaviour w eyemovement recordingsYang Shi
• The role of semantic information in face familiarity
• EEGGyula Kovacs
• The role of context in getting-to-know someone
• Iconic representation
• Own Face representation• -Behaviour / EEG
Kovács (2021)Winter Semester 2022/2023
Courses B.Sc. Winter Semester (Nur jedes 2. Semester)
127560 Bachelorpropädeutikum Kognitive NeurowissenschaftenExterner Link
Bachelorpropädeutikum-Topics Wintersemester
Linda Ficco
Validating the Bielefelder Famous Face Test: a measure of famous face recognition in different generations - Behaviour
Dobel et al. (2008)Hannah Klink
Understanding Face Familiarity through application of MVPA -EEG or fMRI and Behaviour
Kovács (2021)Prof. Gyula Kovacs
The role of context in GTK someone
Iconic representations
Consciousness and the active inferences theory
Lars Rogenmoser
1.The relationship between prosopagnosia and tone-deafness (amusia)
2.Seeing and hearing white noise: A supramodal condition underlying visual-snow-syndrome and tinnitus?
3.Negative emotions, rewarding in music but not everyday life: Contributions from neuroscience
Bachelorpropädeutikum-Topics Wintersemester 2020/2021
Linda Ficco
Validating the Bielefelder Famous Face Test: a measure of famous face recognition in different generations - Behaviour
Dobel et al. (2008)Hannah Klink
Understanding Face Familiarity through application of MVPA -EEG or fMRI and Behaviour
Kovács (2021)Prof. Gyula Kovacs
The role of context in getting to know someone - Behaviour
Kovács (2021)Chenglin Li
The importance of internal and external features in storing familiar and unfamiliar faces - Behaviour
Young et al. 1985 -
Winter Semester 2022/2023
Courses B.Sc. Winter Semester (Jedes 2. Semester)
Neuroscience of Music
Sommer Semester 2024
212142 The neuroscience of music Externer Link
Music is omnipresent, universal, and significant throughout our lifespan (ontogenesis) and human history (phylogenesis). Apart from gaining single insights into the interactive biopsychological processes between human and music, music research within the neurosciences operates at interfaces between fields and encounters paradoxical phenomena, likely crucial for our understanding of the human condition. The seminar discusses current hot topics in the neuroscience of music, namely topics related to anthropology, language, emotion, brain plasticity, and health (e.g., potential use in therapy and rehabilitation).
Functional Neuroimaging
Winter Semester 2022/2023
Courses B.Sc. Winter Semester (Nur jedes 2. Semester)
179950 Functional Neuroimaging: Practical Introduction Externer Link
Sommer Semester 2024
212935 Projektseminar I - BPCN- Higher sensory functions Externer Link
Higher sensory (auditory) functions: the neural processing of language, speech and music.
During the course we will teach you how to perform a cognitive neuroimaging experiment. We will plan, design, prepare, perform and analyse together an experiment from the field of higher auditory functions, such as language and speech processing or music processing.
You will have to participate in the SoSe and WiSe as well in the Projectseminar and attend the research colloquium of the BPCN unit to receive the 9 LPs.
Cinema Cognitivo
Sommer Semester 2023
173143 Cinema Cognitivo: How popular films depict today`s neuroscientific findings? Externer Link
Brain functions, general psychology, metal disorders, AI in films.
Is it anything worth to watch and discuss?
Find your answers in "Cinema Cognitivo " -How popular films depict today’s neuroscientific findings?
The course will present a list of popular films with direct relevance to cognitive neurosciences. The students are expected (1) to watch the films and (2) give a critical comment / Referat and lead a discussion on the accuracy and errors of one given film. The cognitive neuroscience topics, the films are referring to, should be introduced properly first, refreshing everyone’s knowledge on the topic and finally critically discussed how popular believes / artistic depictions misshape or mirror them correctly. Finally, the group should rank and judge each film according to its accuracy. The list of the films is composed of the following items below. Language: English.
Every student needs to choose one of the listed topics/films on the first occasion. From this topic they need to prepare a Referat during the semester in the following format:
First and most importantly, they need to present the group the scientific background of the topic. The previously learned material must be refreshed and additional state-of-the-art knowledge about the topic must be presented. This presentation should be done by Powerpoint slides and be approximately 20-40 min long. It must go deeper than the previously learned material about the topic! Next, the speaker shall list aspects of the film which the group should discuss together. These aspects should be categorized into accurate, correct depictions, matching our current knowledge about the cognitive functions and inaccurate/false/artistic representations or errors. This second part of the seminar should be a discussion with the audience. There is no need here that the speaker tells everything, rather (s)he should lead a discussion on the topic and make a consensus about the positive and negative aspects of the depiction of the topic in the given film.
Finally, the group should give a ranking from 0-100 to the film, according its relevance, accuracy and other aspects.
If the Referat is given by more than one student, then the above described task shall be split in the following way: if two people choose a film, then they both should contribute to the introductory lecture about the topic and thereafter one should list the accuracies while the other should list the mistakes of the film and they should discuss them with each other, with the contribution and arguments of the audience.
In order to have a real, meaningful discussion EVERY STUDENT IS EXPECTED TO WATCH THE FILM PRIOR THE SEMINAR. For this, we at the BPCN purchased all the DVDs and will organize their watching together at the seminar room of the BPCN (Jentower, 18te etage) every week, prior to the seminar on Fridays 16.00-18.00. ONLY STUDENTS ENROLLED TO THE COURSE ARE ALLOWED TO COME TO THESE EVENTS!
Kindly see the list of films, topics and dates below in a tabular format.
In case of questions please contact Prof. Gyula Kovács.
We wish you a fruitful and informative time during the seminar.
http://psychmovies.com/Externer Link
Motz B, (2013) Cognitive Science in popular film: the cognitive science movie index TICS 17: 483-5
Nelson EM (2002) Using film to teach psychology: a resource of film study guides
Conner DB (1996) From Monty Python to Total Recall: A feature film activity for the cognitive psychology Course Teaching PSychology. 23: 33-35
Wiertelak EP (2002) And the winner is: Inviting Hollywood into the neuroscience classroom. The J. Undergra Neurosci Ed 1: A4-A17
Kolloquium / Braintalks
Sommer Semester 2024
146927 Kolloquium Biologische Psychologie und Kognitive Neurowissenschaften Externer Link
Dear Students, the colloquium will take partly online place. Some talks by invited guests will be per zoom. Most of the program (including talks and research paper discussions) will be in presence. The detailed program and topic will be announced on our homepage under
in case of questions please don't hesitate to contact us.
SOSE23 - Modul: B-PSY-103 Prf.Nr.: 1135 Biologische Psychologie II
Datum Nachprüfung: 04.12.2023
Beginn 10:00 Uhr / Ende 11:00 Uhr Ort: Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3 - Raum SR208Bitte 15 Minuten vor Beginn vor Ort sein!
Datum der Prüfung: 25.09.2023
Erstprüfer: Professor Dr. Kovacs, Gyula Zoltán
Art der Prüfung: Klausur
Bemerkung: Biologische Psychologie II -
Modul: PsyN-WP4.2 | Prf.Nr.: 34071 Biologische und Klinische Psychologie
Prüfungsauswahl Modul: PsyN-WP4.2 | Prf.Nr.: 34071 Biologische und Klinische Psychologie: Klausur Biologische Psychologie
Erstprüfer: Professor Dr. Kovacs, Gyula Zoltán
Datum der Prüfung: 25.09.2023, Art der Prüfung: Klausur -
Modul: BPSY103p | Prf.Nr.: 145032 Biologische Psychologie und Grundlagen der Medizin
Prüfungsauswahl Modul: BPSY103p | Prf.Nr.: 145032 Biologische Psychologie und Grundlagen der Medizin: Klausur 2/2
Erstprüfer: Professor Dr. Kovacs, Gyula Zoltán
Datum der Prüfung: 25.09.2023, Art der Prüfung: Klausur -
Klausur BPSY WS 22/23 Prüfung-02